About ME:
Hi. I am Ritu Sharma. At age 37, my life was a total mess. Financially broke. Emotionally lost. Marriage ended.
Confidence shot. On the verge of suicide.
Here’s the thing. I wasn’t going to give up.
As they say, ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way’.
There has always been that ‘Path Less Travelled’ we are scared to look towards.
But what do you do when you hit the rock bottom? Like most situations, you are presented with two options:
- Stay there and be miserable OR
- Get up, gather your pieces, and build yourself back up.
I picked the second option and would plead with anyone to do the same.
If someone had told me that in less than a decade, I would be a well sought-after entrepreneur, a creative,
a community person, an author, a leader… with both commercial and community purposes working through me,
I would have either laughed or cried in pain.
But here I am, and I had no idea THIS was possible!
The point is that we are all tested. One way or the other. We all go through our share of $hit!
The trick is not get beaten but grow through it… like a plant in a fertiliser.
My mission is simple: To share what I have learnt and empower you to create a happier life.
If I can save you from a few heartaches or show you how to move past one, that’s my life lived well!
I AM ritu sharma
Women Empowerment Ambassador
Meet The Best Version of You!
Help your staff/students understand what can influence thoughts, emotions and behaviour. And let them have tools that will keep them inspired and motivated to do their best.
Women may outnumber men in college, graduate schools and the workforce, but we continue to make critical mistakes that hamper our success in business.
We live in a very distracted world where it gets harder every day to get other people to pay attention and take action. You’ll only cut through the noise if you understand the secret to getting people’s attention and inspiring them to care and take action.
Give your audience more than inspiration…
Ritu has a very personal and profound message to share with the world. The secret to changing your life is 3As Rule.
And she can prove it.
Help your staff/students understand what can influence thoughts, emotions and behaviour. And let them have tools that will keep them inspired and motivated to do their best. Ritu Sharma specialises in the area of Confidence and Behavioural change.
Leadership Coaching
Do you feel like there is more to you? But you are not sure what?
Does it feel like that you want to tap into just that and live your purpose?
I know how restless that can make you feel because I was there not too long ago. Come, work with me and allow me to serve you.
“Thank you so much for my coaching session. I have to say that I found it extremely enlightening. It has made me think about things in a deeper way and I am implementing new ideas that have come about due to our session. For the first time I feel like I am able to move forward with my true purpose.”
Delcie Hopley (Reiki and Meditation Master)
“Ritu’s coaching has enabled me to step my confidence up and take control of my life. I was keen to progress but hardly had hope in my own abilities. Ritu has given me the belief I needed in myself.”
Barbara Mainsfield (Entrepreneur)
“I luckily met and got coached by Ritu at a time just when I was ready to give up. The pressure was building with work, family and social expectations and I was feeling almost disempowered. Ritu came into the picture at the right time and re-introduced me to myself.
Mrs. S Kaur (Secondary School Teacher)

Speaking with confidence
Public speaking is the biggest known fear.
Let me show you how you are bigger than that!
Enjoy my FREE Udemy Course.

“Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.”
Love is the sweetest of all emotions, yet the most complex!